Role: Head of Content Development
Company: Disney Interactive
Genre: Social + Cross-Platform Video & Series
Led a 25-person team, working across departments, including studio, TV, parks, music, and marketing, to create mass-appeal digital videos and series. Created Disney’s first global cross-platform animated digital series, Swampy’s Underground Adventures (based on the popular Where’s My Water game) amassing over 119M views on YouTube.
Title: Disney’s Explored
Role: Executive Producer / Development Lead
Company: Disney
Run: 10 episodes
Title: Blank: A Vinylmation Love Story
Role: Executive Producer
Company: Disney
Category: Stop motion animation film
Title: Cole Plante: Unfiltered
Role: Executive Producer
Company: Disney
Title: Talking Friends
Company: Disney
Role: Executive Producer
Run: 10 episodes
Title: Where’s My Water: Swampy’s Underground Adventure
Company: Disney
Role: Executive Producer
Run: 12 episodes
Title: Darth Vader Goes to Disneyland
Role: Executive Producer
Company: Disney